Friday, 30 March 2018

Track 8 :#AdolescentGynecology @GynecologyCongress2018

Submit your abstract and register for the session at GynecologyCongress2018, Aug 22-23 and meet the experts at Tokyo, Japan.

Adolescent gynecology is an emerging specialty that includes adolescent endocrinology, gynecology, adolescent surgery, dermatology, psychiatry,  public health medicine and genetics. It thus addresses a wide spectrum of diseases from the newborn period to adolescence.The gynecological problems encountered in children and adolescents are often both medically and psychologically complex and thus require a highly skilled and coherent approach. The adolescent, who is no longer a child but not quite an adult, posses a particular management problem to the traditional specialties. In the field of adolescent gynecology more than anywhere else, the medical attitude is often striking by its extremes.
  • Track 8-1Pregnancy related problems in adolescent
  • Track 8-2Contraception
  • Track 8-3Adolescent sexual health
To know more about the conference:

Abstract submission:
contact :
Program Manager | Gynecology Congress 2018

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